Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Its a new day.

Starting off they day my glucose was horrible.  Fasting blood sugar was 340.  However I am really trying on the diet today and so far progress is actually looking good.  But it is only been half a day.

So far this is what my food intake is looking like.  The majority of food has been in the form of lean protein and some fat.  I have decreased my carbs where I have only had 10g for breakfast and almost 12g for lunch.  Along with it I have been following my new insulin scale to give 1 unit for every 2 grams of carbs plus a sliding scale of 1 unit per 25 over 150.  Before lunch my glucose reading was 160.  Oh man is it nice.

Its really amazing how much your body can repair and feel better once the glucose comes down in to a reasonable range.  Yes 160 is high but its not over 300.  So far the neuropathy in my legs and feet is actually less painful and my feet have also gone down quite a bit already in swelling.  On the downside it has been a busy morning full of meetings so I haven't been able to get hardly any steps in.  My fitbit is reading around 879 right now.  Sedentary life isn't great all the time.  All in all though seeing a number in the 100's is really positive to me and of course less pain always helps.

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