- Organic meat plays very nicely with my glucose.
- Non-Organic meats sometimes raise my glucose.
- According to Dr meats increase my triglycerides
- According to Dr I need at least 30 grams of carbs a meal
- Carbs raise my glucose exponentially
- Carbs + Glucose levels = lots of nerve pain. Especially in feet and legs.
- Carbs also mean I need more insulin to keep levels down.
Along with diabetes I have a fatty liver. Every time I go to a Vampire to get checked out I get the well how much alcohol do you drink lines. I don't drink. However I found out a couple of things medically I have something called hemochromatosis which is fatty liver and too much iron. I also take insulin, which basically turns sugar into fat on my liver. Talk about a double whammy.
Reading on WebMD I was looking at diet for fatty liver. They suggest a mediterranean diet for this condition. Some of which I really don't have a problem with however I am not a big fish fan at all. Maybe I need to suck it up and try. They break it down to healthy fats, antioxidants, and complex carbs. For now maybe I will try to put a meal plan of healthy fats and antioxidants. Then when my glucose goes down to a more optimal range I can slowly introduce carbs.
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